Municipal Sales
HilBilt Sales Corp has become an expert in heavy duty chassis customization. With over 50 years of experience, municipalities have begun to rely on our reputation for manufacturing high quality, durable, low maintenance, and value-added equipment. Employing our own in-house engineer, fabricators, and truck equipment specialists, we provide our customers with equipment specialized to their needs in a timely manner.
Below you will find a list of some of the many brands we carry. For more information on snow and ice equipment, click HERE. For more information on emergency and warning lighting click HERE. For more information on truck equipment click HERE. For more information on the services we offer to municipalities click HERE.
HilBilt Sales Corp currently serves everything form large state and county contracts to smaller city and municipality contracts. Contact Brian Rodgers at brodgers@hilbiltsales.com or by phone at (501) 316-2500 for estimates or quotes.